Luxury Car Suites



In all, five clusters of Luxury Suites will be constructed at Bushy Park Barbados; the first was completed in December 2014 and used as the Driver’s Lounge over Race Of Champions weekend.

Each cluster will comprise three units: the ground floor offers a two-car garage, with a bathroom and open-plan living room and kitchen area on the second floor – this, in turn, leads to a spacious balcony and entertainment area overlooking the circuit.

The centre unit of each cluster will have an additional floor, with two bedrooms, a bathroom and a lounge. The flat, concrete roof-top of the other two units will serve as a balcony and prime vantage point, creating another area for viewing and entertaining. These are now available for sale and will allow their owners the luxury – and security – of keeping their cars at the facility, while also living on site during a weekend race meeting.