BMF to focus on volunteers ahead of 2025 season
The Barbados Motoring Federation (BMF) is to organise two key events at Bushy Park, St Philip, ahead of the island’s 2025 motor sport season to focus on its body of marshals and officials. The Motorsport Marshals Day will thank the sport’s all-important volunteers for their ongoing commitment, while the Motorsport Training Weekend will offer a timely refresher course in all areas of safety.
BMF Vice-President – Sport, David Williams, said: “Volunteers are vital to motorsport and every other sport around the world – Barbados is no different. While the final details are still being worked on, we’re announcing the dates now to make sure everyone has enough notice to block these dates off in their diaries so they would not miss out.
“We are working to do two things: thank them for the time they spend volunteering throughout the year, planning and executing events, also make sure they have the tools and the knowledge to do so efficiently and safely as we look forward to more than 50 days of motorsport on our calendar next year.”
The Marshals Day (Sunday, January 19) is open to all current volunteers, also to potential newcomers. While registering to attend is not mandatory, the organisers are encouraging attendees to sign up with their Stage Commanders or through Motorsport Services, so the BMF has an idea of numbers likely to attend.
While there is no precise timetable of events as yet, the day is scheduled to run from 1.00pm to 6.00pm. There will be refreshments, a basic sign-up and a briefing for new marshals, with literature on hand, including details of the forthcoming training. Among the activities already planned are passenger rides with some leading island drivers for volunteers to experience Bushy Park at speed, with other ideas being worked on.
Two weeks later, the Motorsport Training Weekend (February 1/2) will cover all aspects motor sport organisation and safety in a series of classroom sessions for marshals and officials, followed by practical demonstrations in the grounds of Bushy Park. In addition to the training for volunteers, separate sessions are also planned for rally co-drivers. More details will be confirmed in the coming weeks.
Editor’s note: the Barbados Motoring Federation (BMF) is the island’s governing body for motor sport, affiliated to the Fédération Internationale de l’Automobile (FIA) and the Fédération Internationale de Motocyclisme (FIM). It also represents the interests of its Member Clubs in discussions with Government departments which facilitate the sport in the island, in particular the Ministry of Transport, which permits road closures for an agreed number of events each year. Away from motor sport, the BMF affiliate which answers the FIA Mobility remit is the Barbados Automobile Association (BAA).
For media information only. No regulatory value.
For further information, please contact:
BMF Vice-President - Sport, David Williams - e-mail: vicepresident@bmf-fia.com
web site: https://bmf-fia.com/